The League shall be called the “Perth and District Bowling League”
The objects of the league shall be to promote, foster and encourage the game of bowls.
The League will organise a Gents League, Mixed League, Senior 6’s League and Gents Nominations competition annually together with any other competitions that may be introduced.
PDL League matches (all leagues) and Nomination Competitions will be run under the World Bowls Laws of the Sport (Crystal Mark (current edition)) In addition Bowls Scotland National Championship rules and regulations (first stage – ORGANISATION, SUBSTITUTION & DRESS CODE) will be adhered to in respect of Nomination Competitions.
The committee of management shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Immediate Past President and a committee of one member from each club elected by the Annual General Meeting..
The President and Vice President will be elected from the member clubs in rotation. The committee of management shall have the power to alter the rotation for those positions in the interest of the league.
The Annual General Meeting of the League will be held on the second Thursday in January, and each club will be entitled to send two representatives but only one representative shall vote. The Secretary will send out the Annual General Meeting Agenda and Treasurers Financial Statement to all clubs 28 days prior to the meeting.
The annual subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting and payment will become due within one month of receiving fixtures from the League Secretary.
Applications by clubs for admission to the league shall be made to the Secretary in writing not less than eight weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Likewise, any club wishing to withdraw from the league shall be required to give notice in writing not less than eight weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
Notices of motion for the Annual General Meeting shall be sent in writing to the League Secretary 8 weeks prior to said Annual General Meeting.
The PDL Gents League shall consist of one or more divisions. Promotion and relegation will operate on the basis of two clubs being promoted from the lower division and two clubs being relegated from the top division subject to the number of clubs in the league remaining at the current level.
The League(s) shall be decided on points won, in the event of a tie, shots difference, if still tied, shots for and if tied thereafter a play off shall take place on the Presidents green on a date decided by the PDL committee.
All Gents League games shall be played over 17 ends and commence at the time agreed at the Annual General Meeting. If the required number of ends in a game is not completed due to weather conditions or other circumstances the scores will be counted at 11 ends if all rinks have completed that number of ends otherwise the game shall be completed at a later date from the last end played.
Each club will provide three rinks of gents per game. Only in extenuating circumstances, i.e. illness, accident, etc shall 11 or less play 12. In such instances, a quarter of the rink score will be deducted from the affected rink(s) score at the conclusion of the game. In order to avoid unnecessary cancellations of League Games, clubs will be entitled to play a maximum of three ladies. Only one lady can play per rink, and they must play lead or second. Ladies are not eligible to play in Nominations.
If a club does not fulfil a fixture the non-offending club shall be awarded seven points and twenty-four shots, eight per rink. If there is any dispute relating to the fixture this will be resolved by the committee of management of the league.
The points system relations to the Gents League games will be 2 points for each winning rink and 1 point for the overall score. (7 points in total) In the event of a rink drawing the game each club will be awarded 1 point. If the total score results in a draw each club will be awarded half a point each. In respect of the Mixed league 2 points will be awarded for each winning discipline and two points for the overall score. In the event of a discipline drawing the game each club will be awarded 1 point. If the total score results in a draw each club will be awarded one point each.
In the event of clubs being equal on points the winner and the relegated clubs will be decided by shot difference and if this still results in a tie then by total shots scored.
All Mixed League games will consist of 10 players a minimum of which will be three Ladies and a maximum of five. The teams will play a singles, pairs, triples and fours. If the required number of ends in a game is not completed due to weather conditions or other circumstances the scores will be counted at 11 ends if all disciplines have completed that number of ends otherwise the game shall be completed at a later date from the last end played.
In the event of clubs being equal on points in the mixed league the winner will be decided firstly by shot difference and if this still results in a tie by total shots scored.
In all Senior Mixed 6’s League games 6 players constitute a team. The gender make up of each team is entirely up to the participating club although it is expected to be mixed. 1 – 5, 2 – 4, 3 -3 split Male/Female, Female/Male are all acceptable. Player’s aged over 55 years of age are eligible to play.
Clubs can enter up to 2 teams. Players can only play for one team per season. i.e. If a player starts with the “A” team he/she cannot play for the “B” team during the current season.
Each team shall appoint a team captain. He/she will be responsible for his/her team and any decisions that must be made before, during or after the game.
Rinks for each discipline will be drawn prior to the game by the team captains.
It is a team jack so team captains will toss a coin to determine who throws the jack at the first end. The winner of the toss has the choice of whether to throw the jack or give it to the opponent.
The jack will be re-spotted to the 2m mark should an end be burnt.
Home team will provide a marker for the singles game.
The league will be run on Tuesday afternoons although scheduled games can be played on other weekday afternoons by mutual agreement between participating clubs.
As the league is played on a short end basis, If the required number of ends in a game are not completed due to weather conditions or other circumstances the scores can be counted at 7 ends if all rinks have completed that number of ends otherwise the game shall be completed at a later date from the last end played.
Any disputes should be referred to the PDL Committee
It shall be a team jack for ALL PDL League’s
All postponement’s/re-arranged fixtures must be notified to the League Match Secretary. Dates for all postponed league games shall be arranged within 7 days. If no date can be agreed the clubs concerned should report the matter to the committee of management. All games postponed must be played before the date of the last league fixture.
Should the last league fixture of the season be postponed, and the teams are unable to reach agreement for its rearrangement within seven days, the circumstances will be referred to the League Match Secretary. The League Match Secretary will consult with another 2 League representatives, not from the same league, decide the outcome of the fixture or the new date the fixture will be concluded.
The cost of engraving PDL trophies will be borne by the PDL.
If upon winding up or dissolution of the League, there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property or assets whatsoever the same shall, as so determined by members by resolution passed at a General Meeting, be given or transferred to approved charities or sporting organisations having objects similar to those of the League, to comply with the requirements of Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) legislation. That is, the assets must be given or transferred to another CASC, a registered charity or the Sport’s Governing Body (SGB)